Tuesday 25 June 2024

A few more tantalising photos

Loving a roll in the mud at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.

Our first night sunset as we arrived at Amboseli.

Our home for 2 nights.
Very comfortable - except when the power went off
and it was a mad scramble to find the torch.

Our guide had all the knowledge on where and when to be here
to get a great photo of the elephants with Mt Kilimanjaro as a backdrop.
Amboseli is known for its huge population of elephants.

Having a ball.


Lilac breasted roller.
There are so many bird species to be seen in the park.
I started writing a list but then gave up. This one is very pretty.

Lesser flamingos - as opposed to greater flamingos.
The guide says size is what makes them one or the other
but I'm not sure if that is all. 

They looked very pink - apparently some enzyme
that they excrete to repair their injuries.

These boys were having a bit of a play fight.

A very pregnant hyena.
She disappeared into the culvert under the road and right under our car
and the guide thought that she was possibly ready to drop.

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